I’m loving the guided prompts so far. This tradition one will be a challenge as I come from a very broken childhood but I really appreciate the spark to dig in and explore my background x

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So glad you are loving it. I hear you on the challenging piece. It can be hard to explore the broken parts of our story, but in doing so, the hope we can gather and hold the pieces with kindness. On another note, this prompt is actually not part of The Prompted Memoir, but can definitely be one to add into the mix for sure. :)

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Am I in the wrong thread/place for the memoir? 😬

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Ah good, I have started here but this extra threw me, back on track and noted, thank you 👍🏻

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No worries at all. Sometimes it can be difficult to navigate all the content. I offer free prompts as well outside of TPM. But they will always be listed under that direct link. :)

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